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Why we need to do something Sinnvoll!

All over the world, regardless of the political system, our long-term viability and positive future prospects for the broad mass of the population are lacking. This is solely because our political decision-makers lack the courage and creativity to implement a policy that benefits all people and not just their respective interest groups. In democratic countries, the parties do not dare to ask what is necessary for fear of not being re-elected. In any case, only authoritarian regimes do what benefits the rulers and those around them. But we humans are not stupid! We understand when something has the potential to really make a difference. Now it is time again for people to take their own destiny in hand, pick up a good idea and implement it. Because no matter where in the world, power always comes from the people!

The consolidation of this system begins with the blackmail ability of the people. In all existing societies there are strata that can choose whether or what they work. The majority of the population cannot. Only when everyone has enough money for enough food, a roof over their heads and their daily needs, will this possibility of extortion, which seems so normal to all of us today, finally disappear. So that this everyday injustice is not noticed by anyone, our children are brought up in a school system as stupid and systematic as possible to good workers. Or, from the start, as descendants of the very narrow upper class, they belong to those who have access to really effective learning. Modern, science-based education is something that only a few are given today. The big power blocks, such as churches, old nobility or modern money nobility, share resources among each other and little or nothing remains for the rest of us

We have shaped the earth according to our ideas and now we hit it with full force until it can no longer sustain our lives. Not allowing this should be a top priority for all of us. But we are distracted by a flood of reality TV shows, the best Instagram photo and the most humorous, intelligent Facebook posting. At a time when we are all constantly connected, we are more interested in the adventures of the top 1% of the population than in our lives. We have to rethink the values given to us in order to create a world for our grandchildren in which they also have something to eat.

The change can only take place on a large and coordinated basis. Today, only at all corners and ends are small screws on a broken clockwork replaced. We can no longer allow this screwing around. Our lethargy and lack of belief in our political leaders put us in a kind of vigil. Our inability to act is now life threatening. We are not only threatened with maintaining the current system of exploitation - no, now it's really about long-term survival. The massive change in our social life is the only way to prevent humanity, in which millions of people will be uprooted by flight in the next few decades. While we are in the process of exterminating millions of other species, we as humans are at the top of the red list of endangered species. We just don't want to realize it. If we did, it would be easy for us to change that.

Today there is a lack of enthusiasm and a sense of belonging that is necessary to live well together. We lack common goals and ambitions. Something we create together. Ancient cultures created great monuments in their sphere of influence. Not just so that posterity remembers them, but rather for reasons of identification. Because the understanding of "yourself" in fellow human beings is the cornerstone for a peaceful world order. We also need a monument that we can create together. Only today we live in a global world. In a single, huge village with a few billion inhabitants. And our connecting monument will be the preservation of this unique, fragile world, which is the origin of all known life.

Locking ourselves in the cage of a handful of political systems, we wonder why we're going full throttle to the abyss. Attempts to change this have failed, as well and intelligently thought out possibilities of alternative forms of society have so far failed due to the too complex philosophical substructure. Or totally ignoring the corruption, lust for power and greed that can affect us all as soon as the rest of us allow it. We have forgotten how to communicate with each other in a clear, simple language. We should be able to explain everything that helps our fellow human beings in an understandable and simple way.

With Sinnvoll we have the chance of a system that builds on the best that we have to offer in human history. We add the necessary things that we can all agree on.

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