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Do something!

In order to make a lasting change in a democracy before there are revolutions or wars, the rise of civil society is absolutely necessary. What is democratically legitimate and legally possible is basically the same in all democracies that really deserve this name.

There are many efforts that are open to us in a democracy to create change. And ideally to convince existing parties of our concern. Or, where we are not heard by existing parties, to found our own parties so that we can carry our demands with the votes of the voters into the parliaments, into the legal codes and finally into the constitutions.

The last thing we want is what social development can now be guessed at. We want to live in democracies that are really democratic. Because democracies - especially if their constitutions are based on the concept of Hammer.Solutions - are the only forms of government in which we can all have a say and we have value as human individuals.

Do you like the idea of Hammer.Solutions? You want to do something? You don't know what?
First things first: there is no kind of violence to build a peaceful society. Therefore we want absolut freedom from violence in all our actions. Here is a List with things you can do:

Talk to your fellow human beings!
If you are convinced of Hammer.Solutions and you want to live in a world that works like this, then tell your fellow human beings as well. Your family, your friends. And if it turns out nice, even the guy on the bus sitting next to you.

Create groups, both real and online.
Use every technical possibility. Organize regular meetings and promotions.

Do online acitvism!
Anything that creates reach online can help change the world.
Share contributions from Hammer.Solutions.
Create Hammer.Solutions social media appearances in your language.
Make yourself online the mouthpiece of our joint project, whether with a vlog, podcast or classic blog.
Subtitle all videos in a language that you master.

Are you at a club or are you involved in an NGO?
Try to convince the others who are with you in this association or NGO of Hammer.Solutions and, together with your main focus, you are also committed to this world-changing project.

Do you work in the media area?
Use your field of activity and your reach to inform people.

Are you an artist?
Show with your art what a world in which our plan is implemented would look like, so that together we can create a better world.

Go on the street!
Organize demonstrations.
Take media actions.
Participate in the Circle of hope.
Use civil disobedience wherever possible and necessary.

Convince your party!
Write to your MPs and tell them how convinced you are of this idea and that you would like them to put our requests first in their list of demands.
Go to your party's events and convince other party members there.

Reasons parties!
Hammer.Solutions is a political movement and not a party. This means that we cannot be chosen anywhere and we cannot implement our ideas. We are therefore dependent on the existence of parties that bring our enthusiasm to the parliaments. If none of the parties in your region has yet included Hammer.Solutions' demands in your program, look for like-minded people - stand up together and have the courage to stand with your own party in the next election!

Support us financially!
If you have a little bit of money left and you want to send it to something that makes the most sense!
You can find out very quickly how you can register public actions in your region on the Internet. The most important thing is to stay with every action within the framework of peaceful coexistence and democratic opportunities. Because only with peace will we create peace. Even if you "only" share online articles from your smartphone, it is still very important what you do!

We now have enough time behind us that got by without hope. Now it is our job to show everyone that there is hope again!

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